Autumn garden maintenance

The temperatures have dropped, the days are getting shorter, and the lawn is covered by a blanket of golden yellow and rich orange hues. Autumn has arrived. Now is the perfect time to prepare your garden for the cold, dark weather that lies ahead. Here’s everything you should do to ensure your garden remains in tip-top condition ready for a vibrant spring:

Look after lawns


Following the hot summer we have just had, the grass will be in need of some serious TLC. Before mowing, it’s important to make sure your lawn is free from leaves and moss by raking or scarifying it out. If left, they can harm your grass leaving unsightly yellow patches or brown spots. You will need to continue to rake any additional fallen leaves to prevent them from piling up and harbouring unwelcome garden pests. 

For particularly damaged grass, it may be a good idea to aerate it. Aeration will relieve compaction, improve drainage and allow more air into the root system, ultimately leading to a healthier lawn.

Top tip: Continue to cut the grass periodically through the colder months when it needs it. 


What do to with all the leaves?

Fallen autumn leaves are the perfect source of brown material for your compost bin. Rather than burning your leaves, composting allows them to biodegrade, eventually breaking down into a thick compost, the ideal fuel for your plants, flowers and lawn. Simply alternate layers of shredded leaves with regular green garden waste, and let it sit over winter. And if you happen to find yourself with too many leaves, consider storing them in bags in a cool dry place ready for next year. 

Tidy, tidy, tidy

Autumn is the perfect time to rid your garden of pesky weeds – the ultimate gardener’s nemesis. Although you may have spent what felt like hours, weeding during the spring and summer months, bare beds and borders will reveal plenty you missed. Whether they’re cropping up in your flowerbeds or lining the cracks between your pavement, attack the weeds by removing them from the root.

Continuing with the tidy up, now would be the ideal time to get stuck into some pruning and trimming. This will help to improve the health and appearance of your plants and shrubs, promoting healthy growth.

Plant your bulbs

Make sure your garden is a riot of colour come spring by treating it to some autumn planted bulbs. Daffodils, crocus and hyacinth should be planted by the end of September, while lilies and alliums can be planted in September and October.

Whether you’re creating a striking garden border or brightening up a patio with pots, autumn bulbs are a great way to get ahead of your springtime gardening.

Don’t forget about ponds


With a little planning, you can ensure your pond – along with its flora and fauna – make it through winter. Rather than scooping out leaves daily, pond nets and coverings will aid in trapping any leaves and debris, while deterring ravenous predators such as herons from prying on your pondlife. 


Top tip: As temperatures start to plummet, place a tennis ball in the water to prevent ponds from freezing over. The movement of the ball will slow the formation of ice on the surface.


Protect visiting wildlife

Let’s not forget all the wonderful, woodland wildlife that will use your garden as a sanctuary during the colder months. Something as simple as leaving small piles of leaves and twigs in corners for hibernating hedgehogs, or clearing out nest boxes so birds can take shelter and keeping your bird feeders well stocked will attract more animals and ensure your new guests are safe and well fed until the cold months have passed.