Blackfly on runner beans
My runner beans are covered in black fly, I have tried to wash off with water, plus tried soapy water but they keep comming back a few days later. My broad beans have are well but they always do, it has effected my dwarf beans as well, they seem to eat the flowers,
Rita powell
At the kitchen garden we have noticed that ladybirds seem to be in short supply this year and consequently there is nothing to keep the blackfly and other aphids in check. We sprayed our blackfly with a Natural Insect Killing Spray and then ordered a delivery of Ladybirdlarvae. When these arrived we emptied them onto the affected plants and since then we haven’t had a problem.
I wish you the best of luck with your fights against the blackfly. Please let me know if I can be of any further help.
Kindest Regards
Jo Blackwell
Kitchen Gardener