Cat Repeller
I have a cat which keeps littering in my next door neighbours border. Is there anything I can buy such as netting to fit in the flower border to stop my cat from digging and therefore subsequently littering in her border?
Thank you.
Mrs J Williams
Thank you for your recent enquiry with Harrod Horticultural.
We supply a range of different netting that could be used to cover a border and help prevent your cat from digging this up. Fixing this to a framework would be most suitable as your cat would not be able to gain access to the bed. If you could kindly email us the sizes of the bed we would like to cover we can advise on the size and price of netting.
An alternative product would be our Cat Repeller Rods (product code GPC-102). The rods emit a strong scent, which is designed to stop cats fouling the surrounding area. A sharp citrus smell is impregnated within the plastic during the moulding process, which means that the Cat Repeller Rods keep working for at least 10 weeks. These are priced at £4.95 for a pack of 4.
Please find below a link to our website with additional information.
I hope the above is of help to. If you would like to proceed with an order or require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on Customer Services 0333 400 6400 (local rate). Alternatively please provide a telephone number and a convenient time to call you.
Thank you once again and we look forward to hearing from you soon.