Fruit Cage Steel Jordans Cereal

Harrod Horticultural trade dept were contacted by a Garden Designer working on the design and installation of a kitchen garden at the headquarters and factory of Jordans cereals in Bedford.
Alongside supplying alot of standard and bespoke crop protection systems for the uniquely designed kitchen garden we were asked to design and manufacture a bespoke fruit cage to fit an area of soft fruits bordered by interwoven paths that cut across the garden at angles on a decline. Accurate dimensions/levels were supplied to us from a site survey. The completely bespoke cage was precision engineered to fit exactly on site and even the length of uprights had to take into account water pipes that provided irrigation for the kitchen garden that were laid underground.
"The fruitcage is all up and looking lovely now, I just wanted to say that you all did a cracking job and I am very impressed with all your hard work - I also wanted to say thank you for being so accommodating with all the delays we have had."
Jordans Cereal Head Gardener, Bedford