Fruit Cage Steel Roman Arch 2

Recently The Veg Patch People faced an interesting challenge, how do you make a veg garden, rabbit proof, pigeon proof, cat proof, and cabbage white proof? These poor people had just about every kind of pest problem known in the South East of England. Their sons had their own construction business and the Veg Patch People well called in as consultants, designers and for onsite supervision, whilst they did the “hard work”.
We had a relatively small window in which to build the garden as this was a birthday present and had to be built whilst the couple were on holiday.
Our solution to the various challenges presented to us was to demolish the original patch and replace it with custom built raised beds covered in an attractive soft fruit cage made to measure for the purpose. The raised beds had the advantage of keeping the rabbits at bay and making the veg garden easier to maintain. The cage will stop the birds, butterflies and cats but still allow access to our friends the bees.
This design is also ideally suited for veggies4venues with the added advantage of being made to measure, to fit almost any area. And it will even keep seagulls at bay!
"On their return from holidays, our clients were ecstatic with the result and can’t wait for spring to come!"
The Veg Patch People, East Sussex