Garden Arches

Customer Reviews
Mr McHutchison, Cambridge
"My wife chose the arch to complement the circular beech hedge, which we feel it does quite well. The arch is well made and was reasonably easy to put together and set up."
Mrs Baines, Cumbria
"We were given a lovely rose by a friend, which inspiraed us to buy one of your beautiful rose arches, to develop an area of the garden. That development is still in progress but it it already obvious what an enhancement the arch is and how it has transformed the orchard, where we have placed it."
Walled Garden Hall Grove School, Surrey
"Our arches which have now been erected in our walled garden in Hall Grove School in Bagshot, Surrey. We have planted Rosa ‘Claire Austin’ either side of the Ogee Arches and a mixture of Wisteria, early and late Clematis on the wire arches. They will add some welcome height to the garden and provide colour from early spring through to November. The silhouette of the arches in Winter add structure and interest. We are open under the National Gardens Scheme in the afternoon of Saturday 22nd May 2021 and Saturday 2nd October 2021"
Mr and Mrs Hawgood, London
"Probably unusual in that the arch is against a fence. Basically it is there to hide the view of what was once a rather dilapidated shed next door. I bought some extra fittings from you with the arch, to help fastening it to the framework behind the fence panels. The left hand end is screwed down to the patio paving. The right hand end is screwed to some small paving blocks which rest on the soil, with sedum in front to hide the bottom of the arch. To install the arch I pruned the rose down to be within the profile of the arch, then lifted the new arch up and over. The rose is partly secured to the fence supports. Because it is against the fence and one end is on the patio, the rose is planted near one side and has main stems diagonally within the arch across to the patio side. I had no trouble assembling the arch, and it supports the rose just where I want it. It is particularly intended to be seen from the house, so we don't normally see the rather bare left hand bottom of the arch."
Mr Jamieson, Somerset
"Arch is installed and looking good. The arch replaced a 25year old wooded pergola and we are going to plant one end with a wisteria – as always with gardening it’s always ongoing. It now provides a co-ordinated entrance into that part of the garden.
I was very pleased with the arch, quality very good and instructions for erection easy. When I did need advice your customer services were very efficient and the problem was soon solved. Overall we are delighted and if we get inspiration to do something else you will be our first port of call. Thanks once again."
Mr Brookes, East Sussex
"Since we moved to our current home over four years ago my wife and I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy creating a garden and the gap in the low wall seemed an ideal spot for an arch way. When we started searching for an arch on the internet we discovered Harrod Horticultural and their Roman Arch was just what we were looking for. The arch is well made, went together with out any problems, the instructions were easy to follow, and we have been very pleased with its excellent quality. The Seagull Rose had spent sometime in a pot but soon started developing once it had been planted.
Since buying the first arch we have brought a further two which are located either side of our bungalow and have spring flowering clematis growing on them, and a further eight linked arches forming an arch walk way in our back garden. Our boundaries which separate us from farming land, consist of native hedging e.g. hawthorn, ash, blackthorn, etc. so we had no where to grow climbers. All of these arches are of the same excellent quality and the help and service we received when ordering our linked arches was extremely good."
Kings Landscapes, Milton Keynes
"Harrod Horticultural Roman arches and a Roman Rose Arch Gazebo were recently used in a garden by Kings Landscapes (Milton Keynes). This scheme at a private garden in central London was the Principal Award Winner in the BALI (British Association of Landscape Industries) Domestic Garden Construction Category (£100-£250K). The arches and rose crown were used to help create a city garden with fruit trees, herbs and vegetables. At the same time it managed to enhance the character and the history of the existing features in the garden."
Mr W
"If you are looking for a quality Arch for your garden that is superbly made and simple to assemble, then look no further than Harrod Horticulture. I ordered the ARC-408 Ellipse Arch 2.5mW x 2.23mH x 60cmD Below Ground and the ARC-021 Hole Former which made the job even easier. Yes, there are cheaper arches available from other suppliers but the quality of build and the transformation in the garden would be difficult to beat. I will only be buying my garden supplies from Harrod Horticulture in the future."
Mrs Fry, Barnet
"The arch was installed to support a leaning Crab Apple tree which you can see to the right. It looked fantastic when it was in blossom. We needed something strong to support this tree. We have been extremely impressed with the high quality of manufacture and the fact that this product also looks good. We regularly open our garden for charity and have had many complimentary comments about the arch and the attractive feature that it makes."
Mrs Neilson, Hexham
"I am very pleased with the arch and found it strong and easy to assemble with the help of my husband. The climbing rose Veilchenblau is enjoying its support."
Andrew Barringer, Trade Manager, Harrod Horticultural
"We were contacted by the production company behind Raymond Blanc's "Kew on a Plate" to supply 5 x Roman Arches and a Harrod Fruit Tree Crown to site for the TV programme. A sample was provided for approval, all products were a standard size and were delivered on a tight schedule for installation and filming."
Mr Smith, Bedford
"A photo showing the new bespoke curved fence / arch in situ. It's actually hard to highlight the curved nature of the individual panels but by reference to the circular patio feature it’s possible to see what we were trying to achieve. In terms of construction, ease of use of guidelines I can only say that they were spot on and easy to follow. The only time I made a mistake and had to take a step apart and reassemble was simply down to me being by profession an Engineer ( ie I don’t do instructions ).
We are both very pleased with the flexibility the “kit” approach allows and a number of visitors were as much impressed by the timely service you offered as by the finished product."
Mr Lunan, Perthshire
"The photos show the original set of arches from last year and the latest set of arches. The cloth markers on the wires are to make sure that grandchildren are not injured and will be removed when the roses etc mature. Next year the plants should make an even better presentation of the arches!"