Last week we spent a satisfying day pruning the fruit trees and exposing the developing fruits to the sunlight. Unfortunately, we have also exposed them to possible pests and we need to do our best to protect them. This week we will be hanging wasp traps all around the garden. So far this year there has been no sign of wasps, but a couple of years ago they descended overnight and caught us napping. Now we make a point of getting the traps in to make sure they don’t infest our crop.
Other pests that we are on the look-out for this week are butterflies and white-fly. The broccoli and sprout plants are now a really good size and we are being vigilant to make sure the netting on the vegetable cage doesn’t touch any leaves, allowing butterflies to lay their eggs through it. The plants will need also staking as they are tall enough to become unstable. This will be an ideal time to inspect the leaves for signs of whitefly. This is a pest that visits us most years so we will be ready with some soapy water to spray on should any appear.
Our squash plants are currently growing vigorously up and over the obelisks; thoroughly enjoying the warm conditions and their weekly seaweed feed. This week we will pinch out the growing shoots to encourage the plant to concentrate its efforts on swelling the existing baby squashes instead of a garden takeover bid! Inside the greenhouse, the tomato plants are also reaching for the skies. Each plant is now at the top of its support and has six trusses of fruit, so we will prune out the main stem so that the plant can focus on ripening and growing the existing tomatoes.
And we will be continuing the big harvest. We are currently picking beans, blueberries, raspberries, aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes, courgettes, salads and kohl rabi.