Link Stakes which have imperfections and sold as 'Seconds' with an amazing 50% discount off our normal prices - providing you with an effective, reliable and very cost effective way to support your plants. The plastic coating may be split in some places - but that won't affect strength. Available only while stocks lasts and these items are non-refundable.
50% Discount on Plant Support Seconds -
Larger sizes only now available, simply push these further into the ground if necessary to achieve required height.
- Strong, sturdy and the green coating helps them to virtually disappear when in place.
- Many plants are vulnerable to damage from wind and rain unless properly staked.
- All our link stakes are made from steel wire rod and coated with dark green plastic.
- They will last for decades and are virtually invisible.
- Aim to stake your plant about half way up its full height and allow a few inches in the ground.
- The most versatile and discreet way to support plants throughout the border
- Available in packs of 12
Product Reviews
Great quality stakes, some cracking of the coating but they are classed as seconds. They are very strong and should cope easily with supporting my many perennials.
I missed out last year, so placed an order this time round and was so pleased I ordered more!