The British Red Cross, the charity funded global voluntary network, are running an Open Gardens programme in 2007 to help boost their coffers.

The organisation is known throughout the world for their quick response to natural disasters, conflicts and emergencies, and carry out lifesaving - quite literally - work before helping the affected pick up their lives.

To help raise funds so they can continue to provide a service to humanity, they are running a UK-wide programme of Open Gardens, where privately owned properties welcome visitors to view their gardens.

In Suffolk alone, 20 gardens have already signed up for the scheme and by visiting the Red Cross website you can find out how to take part, or which gardens to visit in your neck of the woods.

Alternatively, for details of the participating gardens in the Suffolk area, write (enclosing a SAE) to the following address;

Alana Smith
Gardens Co-Ordinator
British Red Cross
37 Theatre Street
IP12 4NE