Pond Covers or Pond Netting?

Hi Jo

My pond has been cleaned out of fish by what appears to be an otter. Would it be safe to use galvanised netting over the pond?  I have heard conflicting reports about it being harmful to fish.




Dear David

We have 2 large ponds in the gardens surrounding the Kitchen Garden and have also had problems with otters in the past.

Our ponds are now fully netted to prevent any invader from stealing the fish. We use heavy duty pond netting on a raised steel pond cover and find this very effective.  This would avoid the use of galvanised netting and any worries that it may be harmful to your fish.

I would suggest that the netting would be your best long term option.

Good luck.  Please let me know if I can be of any further help.

Kindest Regards



Jo Blackwell
Kitchen Gardener
Harrod Horticultural