Raised Bed Positioning
We have one of your 8 by 4 raised beds. Please can you advise us on the distance we should leave between an existing mixed boarder (bushes, flowers, some trees -- all very sparse because of thin soil) and the raised bed. We want to use it for growing veg, it will be on the south side of the existing bed and will not be shaded to the south at all. There is an ornamental cherry to the south east.
many thanks Megan
Dear Megan
If your bed is not shaded, the distance from the border will not make too much difference with regards to the plants you grow. You may find that some of the border plants will send their roots into the raised bed in search of the better soil, particularly if they are growing in poor soil. It may be a good idea to put a liner into your raised bed to prevent this, if you have not already done so.
I would make sure that you have plenty of room to move around the bed when you are tending it. At the kitchen garden, we have beds near to hedges and fruit trees and the minimum pathway around the edge is enough room to put a garden track. These are 39cm wide and this is plenty of room for me to carry out planting and maintenance.
Good luck with your raised bed gardening. Please let me know if I can be of any further help.
Kindest Regards
Jo Blackwell
Kitchen Gardener