This environmentally friendly way of protecting your flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables from slugs and snails also helps to retain soil moisture.
Available in a 10 Litre tub, Slug Gone is an easy and simple to use way to protect your plants.
- Organic Slug Control
- Pure wool pellets also add nutients to the soil
- Acts as a mulch to supress weeds and retain moisture
- Biodegrades over 6 to 14 months, releasing organic nutrients
- Protects and enriches soil
- Ideal for flower beds, container pots and hanging baskets
Product Reviews
This was a complete waste of money it did not work the stuff all clagged together round the plants and didn't stop slug damage at all don't buy it stick with the old tried remedies
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How To Use Slug Gone
Slug Gone pure wool slug pellets are manufactured from the fleece of sheep. Wool fibres have very fine scales with small barbs on the tip called cuticle cells. These cause wool fibres to felt and matt together. Wool fibres are very hygroscopic and this plus the sand and grit already in the compound and the potassium salts from the sweat glands of the sheep absorb some of the slime from the slug's foot to cause irritation, resulting in the slug finding easier feeding methods.

Firstly, clean the area around the plant and gather a large handfull of pellets.

The wool pellets are then placed around the plants in a 6" - 8" diameter collar (The pellets must all be touching).

Water the pellets well, and a short period of time they will bind together, forming an insulation mat around the plant that will not blow or wash away.

This will stay undisturbed around the plant for up to 12 months as it slowly bio degrades and breaks down.
Not only do the slug pellets keep Slugs and Snails at bay, the pellets are also a good mix and balance for growing plants, fruit and vegetables. The pellets hold twice their own weight in water so they act as an excellent mulch, a weed suppressant, a soil conditioner and slow release fertiliser!
Slug Gone is 100% natural, ideal for oranic gardening and is safe for children, animals and garden wildlife