Here at Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden this week we will be harvesting our blackcurrants.  The branches of our blackcurrant bushes are laden with plump juicy berries.  Armed with a trug and a kneeler we’ll choose a (hopefully) sunny day and head into the fruit cage to pick and string the berries.  Then it will be off to the kitchen to make delicious jam.


We will also be tying in our blackberry plants which are currently trying to break free from their supports.  They are growing so strongly this year that we are thinking of giving them a bigger support or arch to scramble over.  They are bursting with fruit which are just beginning to show signs of ripening.....


This week we will be sowing vegetables to grow in the space freed up by our onions and shallots which were harvested last week.  These are currently drying on our apple rack in the greenhouse as the weather outside is so wet here at present.  We will be sowing chard, khol rabi, spinach, pak choi and beetroot.


This week in Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden we are harvesting kohl rabi, mangetout, runner beans, French beans, aubergines, tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, strawberries, blueberries, tayberries and salad.