Your September Garden Guide: Harvest, Planting, and Preparing for Autumn

As we step into September, the garden takes on a new energy. The golden days of late summer are here, bringing a mix of tasks as we prepare for the seasonal transition. Whether it’s harvesting the last of your summer produce, getting your beds ready for winter, or tidying up those garden structures, there’s plenty to keep you busy this month. At Harrod Horticultural, we’re sharing our top tips to help you navigate this period smoothly and set your garden up for success.


Vegetables: What to Harvest and Grow
September is a productive time in the vegetable garden, with both harvesting and planting to keep in mind:

• Harvest: Now’s the time to gather the final bounty from your summer crops. Tomatoes, beans, and courgettes should be in abundance, while root vegetables like carrots and beetroot will be ready to lift. Enjoy the taste of your hard work as you bring in these delicious harvests.
• Plant: Looking ahead, you can sow winter greens such as spinach, chard, and kale. These resilient crops will thrive in cooler temperatures. It’s also the perfect time to plant garlic and onions, ensuring an early start for next year’s growing season.


Flower Beds: Planting and Tidying
As we move towards autumn, give your flower beds some attention to keep them looking vibrant and well-maintained:

• Planting: Spring may seem far off, but now is the ideal time to plant bulbs like daffodils, crocuses, and tulips. By planning ahead, you’ll be rewarded with a colourful display when the warmer months return. You can also introduce hardy perennials that will bring structure and beauty to your garden year after year.
• Tidying: Keep your beds neat by clearing away dead leaves and removing spent annuals. Pruning late-flowering perennials once they’ve finished blooming will also help keep everything in shape. Tidying up now reduces the risk of pests and diseases taking hold over winter.

Fruit Harvesting
September is synonymous with a bountiful fruit harvest. From apples to berries, there’s plenty to pick and enjoy:

• Harvest: This is prime time for apples, pears, and those last plums. Raspberries and blackberries may also be ripening, adding bursts of sweetness to your garden. Don’t forget to store or preserve your harvest to enjoy later in the year.
• Fruit Cages: If you’ve been using fruit cages to protect your crops, now’s the time to check and repair them. Ensure the netting is secure and clear of debris so your fruit remains safe from hungry birds.

Greenhouse Care

Your greenhouse can be a valuable asset as the season changes, offering shelter and extending your growing season:

• Start by clearing out any finished crops and giving the glass a thorough clean. Removing algae and dirt will maximize the light reaching your plants as the days get shorter.
• You might also consider setting up an insulated section within your greenhouse for overwintering tender plants. This will help them survive the colder months while keeping your greenhouse productive.

General Tidying and Maintenance

A bit of tidying and preparation now can save time and trouble later on:

• Regularly sweep up fallen leaves to prevent slippery paths and maintain a clean, tidy space. Clearing your compost bins of old waste will make room for fresh autumn material.
• Check that all your garden tools are sharp and in good working condition. It’s also worth giving your garden storage areas a once-over, ensuring everything is protected against the elements as winter approaches.

 We hope these tips inspire you to make the most of your September Garden!

Whether you’re harvesting, planting, or preparing for winter, there’s plenty to enjoy during this transitional month.

Happy Gardening!