Sitemap - Content
Ask The Expert
- Aerobin the Answer?
- Ants in Plastic Compost Bin
- Ants in the Compost Heap - and the Lawn!
- Bees in compost bins
- Compost Bins Slotting into Place!
- Compost Conundrum!
- Compost Tumbler
- Compost Tumblers
- Composting cardboard packaging
- Composting in Crete!
- Composting School Kitchen Waste
- Doubling Up on Composting
- Hollow Tine Aerator
- Large Scale Composting
- Rodent-Free Composting
- Slugs in my compost
- Springtails in my Compost Bin!
- Turning to Composting!
- Waste Not, Want Not!
- Which Composter?
- Which Compostumbler?
- Worms & Composting
- Worms and lime - good bedfellows?
- Worms and recycling.....
- Worms for Christmas
Fruit Cages
Garden Equipment
Generic Category
- Freestanding Staging for Greenhouse
- Frost Free Greenhouse Heating?
- Frost Free Greenhouse!
- Greenhouse Cleaning...
- Greenhouse Heating
- Greenhouse Heating - Black Forest style!
- Greenhouse in Winter
- Greenhouse Staging
- Greenhouse Watering!
- Heating a Greenhouse
- Heating greenhouse & garage
- Pollinating Tomatoes
- Root!T Grow Light System & Vitopod combination
- Setting up a New Greenhouse
- Winter in the Greenhouse
Netting & Protection
- A cosy retreat for a grapefruit tree.....
- Apple Tree Catching Nets
- Bean Support
- Bird Netting
- Blight Watch
- Butterfly Netting
- Chicken Wire Fencing
- Chickens ruining flower beds
- Conifers on Court!
- Cordon Apple Trees
- Fleece or Polythene for Crop Protection
- Fleece Protection
- Fly Screen!
- Gripple Wire Tensioners
- Is butterfly netting the answer...?
- Leek moth attack on garlic and onions
- Love me Tender!
- Net Ties, Twine or Net Clips
- Netting & Lack of Pollination
- Netting Solutions
- Overwintering Begonias
- Pea Moth season
- Peach Tree Leaf Curl Problem
- Pigeon Netting
- Protection for Mulberry Tree
- Raspberry Supports
- Roof Netting for Fruit Cage
- Strong Porous and suppresses Weeds
- Supporting Clematis
- Tubing conundrum...
- Using Polythene to ripen tomatoes
- Winter Protection for Tender Plants
Pest Control & Nature
- A 'pear' of blisters!
- An infamous presence on most unprotected crops.
- Aphids & Wasp Problem
- Aphids on cabbages
- Aphids on Chili plants
- Apple Tree Maggots
- Applying Nemasys Nematode
- Applying Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer
- Attracting Bees to the Orchard
- Birds eating onion tops
- Bitterpit on apples
- Black spots on roses
- Blackfly on runner beans
- Blotching on Liquid Amber trees
- Brassica Problems
- Brown patches on my lawn
- Busting slugs snacking on cabbages
- Canker in Fruit Tree
- Carrot Dilemma
- Carrot Root Fly
- Carrots
- Cat Deterrent Plants Survive Winter
- Cat Repeller
- caterpillar damage or Sawfly larvae damage
- Chafer Grub Treatment
- Clematis Problem
- Clubroot Problems
- Conifer Hedge Query
- Conifers seeing red
- Crab Apple Tree Scab!
- Cutworms or Earwigs nibbling Clematis
- Davastation by Cabbage White
- Dying sweetcorn
- Earwig infested corn
- Every insect pest likes Aubergines
- Evil weevil...
- Flea Beetle
- Foot Rot in Runner Beans
- Give pests an unwelcome winter hose-down...
- Gooseberry Sawfly
- Grease is the Word!
- How to prevent club root in the Kitchen Garden
- Infestation of Whitefly
- Invaded by Caterpillars?
- Is it a rat or a squirrel?
- Is this vine weevil on my new deciduous azalea
- Lawn Beetles
- Lawn eating Chafer Grubs
- Lawn Wreckers!
- Leaf Problems on Chilli Peppers
- Leek Rust
- Maggots eating Strawberry Leaves
- Maggots on blueberries
- Make this horse a non-runner
- Mint
- Mites on cucumbers
- Moles leave me in a hole...
- Mystery brown lawn patches
- Nemaslug Nematode Slug Control
- Nematode Slug Destroyer
- Nematodes - safe for us to use?
- Nibbled raspberry leaves
- No deer please - and the best place for my greenhouse..enhouse...
- Non-flowering Camellia!
- Onion & Leek Moth
- Onion Woe!
- Pest on courgette plants
- Plagued by earwigs
- Potato Scab
- Prepare for winter residents
- Problems growing carrots
- Protecting hostas from slugs & Wind Breaks
- Protecting indoor plants from black flies
- Rabbit problems in the Garden
- Rabbits Stripping Bark from Fruit Trees
- Raspberry rust and plum problems...
- Rat attack...
- Red mites in my chicken coop
- Red Spider Mite Sachets
- Red Spider Mite Sachets
- Red Spots on Raspberry Leaves
- Reds spider mite infecting my hedges
- Roaming Red Spider Mite
- Rodent
- Rusts on trees
- Safe Slug Control
- Slug and Snail Trapper to the Rescue
- Slug Problems
- Slug Repellent
- Small white snails
- Spider mite making me see red
- Spider Mite Problems
- Spotty leafed marrows
- Squirrel proof a Fruit Cage
- Squirrels and Rabbits
- Surely it's too early for slugs.....
- The maggots are eating more raspberries than me
- Treating Aphids without harming bees
- Treating white fly on tomatoes
- Using Nematodes
- Vine Weevil
- Vine weevil attacking my grapes!
- Vine Weevil Control
- Vine Weevil Grubs in Raised Beds
- Vine Weevil in the Kitchen
- Vine Weevil Infestation
- Vine Weevil Problem
- Vineweevil a problem?
- Virus in my flower border
- Wabbit worries!
- When to cover up?
- Where do I put my Ladybird Box?
- White patches on my caulis
- Whitefly and Wasps!
- Whitefly on Aspidestra plant
- Whitefly on Mint
- Whitefly on mint
- Whitefly on mint plant
- Wildlife friendly way to treat Aphids
- Will Grow Your Own nematodes affect earthworms?
- Woolly aphid problems
- Woolly Aphids
Pond Care
- Can you take cuttings from peppers
- Glad of gladioli advice!
- January Seedlings!
- Leggy Plants from the Propagator
- Potting Compost or Potting Mix!
- Propagation Bench Poser!
- Propagation Cloche
- Soil Warming Cables
- Starting to Get Chilli!
- Which greenhouse propagator is for me?
Raised Beds
- Corner Raised Beds and Slug and Snail Copper Tape
- Crop Rotation
- Filling Raised Beds
- Gardening in Raised Beds
- Growing in Raised Beds
- Hoops and Raised Beds - help!
- Link-a-Bord assistance required...
- Linking my Link-a-Bord Raised Beds
- Mad Mint!
- Manger Drainage and Nutrients
- Painting Wooden Troughs
- Planting in Raised Beds
- Raised Bed Dilemma!
- Raised Bed Gardening
- Raised Bed Liners
- Raised Bed Positioning
- Raised Beds
- Raised Beds
- raised beds for growing veg
- Siting Raised Bed
- Timber Raised Beds
- What's in a Link-a-Bord Kit?
Seeds, Plants & Trees
- Ancient ritual?
- Are Circular Plant Supports Best?
- Autumn Raspberry Problems
- Autumn/Winter Plug Plants
- Best Plant Support for Dahlias
- Blackberries not developing
- Blueberry bush
- Camellia not flowering
- Cauliflowers not heading up
- Crop rotation on a 5 year cycle...
- Don't Give a Fig!
- From growing carrots to sorting out the lawn...
- Fruit tree leaf loss & yellowing
- Fruit Trees
- Goji Berries
- Growing Blueberries in Raised Beds
- Growing Kiwi's
- Growing Orchids
- Growing Raspberries
- Growing Winter Vegetables
- Growpot Rings for Tomatoes
- Harvesting Broccoli
- How to protect a recently seeded lawon
- I've Bean Had!
- Ivy in Trees
- Late tomato crop
- Lavatera
- Leeks with a solid core
- Leylandii Hedge Problems
- Moving Plants
- New Potatoes for Christmas Dinner
- New Quince Tree
- Not a Merry Cherry!
- Not a puzzle!
- Onions Bolting
- Pepper seems to be losing its skin
- Plant Groups & Crop Rotation
- Planting Apple Trees
- Potatoes disintegrating!
- Problem with Apricot Tree
- Problems with Ceanothus
- Pruning Box Plants
- Pruning plum trees
- Pruning Raspberries and Loganberries
- Raspberry Cane Pruning
- Raspberry Planting
- Seasonal help required...
- Small Sprouts!
- Spindly Onion Seeds
- Strawberry fruit drop
- Strawberry Plant Maintenance
- Tomato & Cucumber Problem
- Training Fruit Trees
- Tree Fern Advice
- Unidentified Nerines
- Victoria Plum and a Green Gage
- Weedy Rhubarb Stalks
- Will my squash plant fruit alone...?
Soil, Feed & Fertilisers
- Blind Brassicas
- Blood, Fish & Bone Fertiliser
- Calculating soil requirements for raised beds
- Disaster in the Vegetable Garden
- I Need a Mulch!
- Improving Soil
- Improving the Soil and PH Levels - Please Explain!
- Let's go round again...
- Mulch with Strulch
- New Plot
- Problem on Chilli Plants
- Re-using potato compost
- Soil Uncertainty?
- The dreaded bindweed on the Allotment
- Tomato Success Kit
- Undercover Job!
- Veg and Fertiliser for the Winter months
- Winter veg and fertiliser
- Wood Good for the Garden?
Tools & Accessories
- Garden Pumps - 'Water' you Recommend?!
- Irrigation for Raised Beds
- Linking Water Butts
- PolyTunnel Watering
- Problems with Water Feature
- Soaker Hose Blocked
- Stagnant water a problem!
- Water Butt my Raspberries!
- Waterbutt Fresh
Weed control
Customer Gallery
- Bird Feeding Stations
- Fruit and Veg Cages Low Height
- Fruit Cages Aluminium
- Fruit Cages Roman Arch
- Fruit Cages Steel
- Fruit Cages Steel Corridor
- Fruit Cages Steel Dome and Peak
- Fruit Cages Timber
- Garden Arches
- Garden Furniture
- Garden Trellis
- Greenhouses and Glasshouses
- Maxi Manger Planters
- Metal Garden Planters
- Micro and Mini Manger Planters
- Netting, Mesh and Protection
- Obelisks Steel
- Obelisks Wire
- Pergola Modern and Contemporary
- Pergolas Ogee and Gothic
- Pergolas Roman
- Plant Climbing and Support Frames
- Plant Supports
- Pond Covers and Ponds
- Poultry Cages
- Raised Bed Table
- Raised Beds Allotment
- Raised Beds Metal
- Raised Beds Standard
- Raised Beds Superior
- Rose and Fruit Tree Gazebos
- Steel Log Holders
Customer Projects
- Boundary Fencing
- Chain Link Fencing 1
- Chain Link Fencing 2
- Contemporary Pergola Shade
- Contemporary Pergola Walkway
- Fence Frames Espalier Courtyard
- Fence Frames Espalier Style
- Fruit Cage Aluminium Angled
- Fruit Cage Building Mounted
- Fruit Cage Peaked with Roman Arches
- Fruit Cage Steel Angled Sloped
- Fruit Cage Steel Curved
- Fruit Cage Steel Dome for Dovecote
- Fruit Cage Steel for Raised Beds
- Fruit Cage Steel Jordans Cereal
- Fruit Cage Steel on Challenging Site
- Fruit Cage Steel Peak for Brassicas
- Fruit Cage Steel Peak Roof
- Fruit Cage Steel Peaks with Cut Out
- Fruit Cage Steel Roman Arch 1
- Fruit Cage Steel Roman Arch 2
- Fruit Cage Steel Sloped 1
- Fruit Cage Steel Sloped 2
- Fruit Cage Steel Sloped 3
- Fruit Cage Steel Sloped 4
- Fruit Cage Steel Stepped
- Fruit Cage Steel Very Large
- Fruit Cage Steel Wall Fixed Tall
- Growing Frames & Contemporary Arch
- Growing Frames for Wind Protection
- Growing Frames Pleach Hornbeam
- Growing Support Structure Wisteria
- Kitchen Garden Project
- Ogee Arch Cage Wall Fixed for Cats
- Ogee Arches, Fence & Pergola
- Ogee Pergola
- Ogee Rose Arch Gazebo
- Pond Cover Steel Raised
- Pond Cover Steel Raised Angled
- Roman Arch for Garden Entrance
- Roman Arch Framing Entrance
- Roman Arches Linked & Curved
- Roman Arches Linked & Open Side
- Roman Arches Linked for Apples
- Roman Arches Wall Fixed
- Roman Bisecting Pergola Above Grnd
- Roman Bisecting Pergola Below Grnd
- Roman Pergola and Arbour with Bench
- Roman Pergola Extra Wide
- Roman Pergola Walkway
- Roman Pergola with Side Access
- Roman Rose Arch Gazebo
- Square Arch Walkway
- Square Arches Linked on a Slope
- Square Pergola Contemporary
- Walled Garden Estate Fence&Gate
- Walled Garden Fruit Cages
Generic content page
- GDN-100 Steel Fruit Cage Footplate & Socket Requirements
- Affiliates
- Ask the Expert - Meet Gavin
- Ask the Expert - Meet Jo
- Ask the Expert - Meet Julian...
- Bespoke Garden Products
- Book a Showroom Visit
- Broccoli or Cauliflower and Stilton Soup
- Brochure Request
- Brussels Sprouts
- Catalogue Request
- Christmas Pudding
- Christmas Pudding Ice Cream
- Coming Soon...Harrod Pop Up Shop!
- Cookie Policy
- Delivery Info
- E-Newsletter Sign Up
- Email Contact Delivery Text
- Footplates Guide for GDN-160 Aluminium Fruit Cages
- Guarantee
- Harrod Horticultural Catalogue
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- How To Contact Harrod Horticultural
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- Returns Policy
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- Simple Preserves and Chutneys
- Sneeboer Hand Forged Tools
- Sneeboer Tools 100 years of History
- Southwold - Delivery Services
- Southwold - Guarantee
- Southwold - Sample at home
- Southwold collection faqs
- Southwold Furniture Collection Catalogue
- Southwold Garden Furniture Collection - Retailer Locations
- Stephanie's Festive Blog
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- Trade Service Introduction
- Website FAQs
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- Where to see the Southwold Collection
- Why the Southwold Collection?
- Working with the RHS
Generic Category
- Abandoned Basket
- Express Delivery
- Fruit Trees Growing
- Latest Despatch Information
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018
- See Us At The Design Centre Chelsea Harbour
How to Grow
Garden Equipment
Getting Started
- Crop Rotation
- Essential Tools
- Feed & Fertiliser
- Know Your Soil
- Plot Position
- Protecting Plants
- Seeds & Plug Plants
- Watering
Growing Advice
- Controlling Weeds
- Crop Protection
- Crop Rotation & Position
- Diseases & Pests
- Effective Watering
- Feeding
- Harvesting & Storage
- Seasons
- Seed Propagation, Sowing & Planting Out
- Soil Types & Improving
- Work with Nature
Jargon Buster
Monthly Jobs
- Jobs to do in the Garden in April
- Jobs to do in the Garden in August
- Jobs to do in the Garden in December
- Jobs to do in the Garden in February
- Jobs to do in the Garden in January
- Jobs to do in the Garden in July
- Jobs to do in the Garden in June
- Jobs to do in the Garden in March
- Jobs to do in the Garden in May
- Jobs to do in the Garden in November
- Jobs to do in the Garden in October
- Jobs to do in the Garden in September
Plants A - H
- Asparagus
- Aubergines
- Beetroot
- Broad Beans
- Broccoli (Calabrese)
- Broccoli (Sprouting)
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Courgettes
- Cucumbers
- French Beans
- Garlic
Plants I - P
Plants Q - Z
Where to Grow
Generic Category
Show Gardens
- Blackmoor Nurseries - Liss, Hampshire
- Holt Hall - Holt, North Norfolk
- Hoveton Hall - near Norwich, Norfolk
- Jimmy's Farm - near Ipswich, Suffolk
- Old Vicarage Garden - East Ruston, Norfolk
- Pashley Manor Gardens - near Wadhurst, East Sussex
- RHS Harlow Carr - Harrogate, North Yorkshire
- RHS Hyde Hall - Chelmsford, Essex
- RHS Rosemoor - Torrington, North Devon
- RHS Wisley - Woking, Surrey
- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
- Ryton Gardens - near Coventry, Warwickshire
- The Bishop's Garden - Norwich, Norfolk
- The Manor House Garden - near Bedford, Bedfordshire
- The Vyne - Basingstoke, Hampshire
Stephanie's Garden Blog
Focus Groups
Garden Care
- 15 Ways To Be More Water Efficient
- 20 Tips for Gardening with Dogs in the UK
- A challenging week for gardeners
- A Summer Full of Good Ideas
- A Summer Full of Good Ideas - August 2012
- Ants in the Garden
- Autumn and Winter Lawn Care: Q&A with Tom Strowlger
- Badger Problems
- Be cautious of hibernating Hedgehogs
- Biological Pest Control
- Bird-Feeding-Stations
- Budding Gardeners Buddy Up - February 2012
- Caring for Birds in Winter
- Caring for Birds in Winter
- Cherry Trees and Fruit Tree Sleeves
- Flying Ants in the Kitchen Garden
- Frogs That Will Help Your Garden Grow & Thrive
- Garden Birds
- Garden Netting Advice
- Garden Pest Control
- Gardening Jobs for December: Preparing Your Garden for the New Year
- GIVEAWAY! Win a Roman Garden Arch
- Growing Cabbages
- Hedgehogs in the Garden
- How to water your garden effectively & reduce water waste
- Indian Meal Moth
- Ladybirds
- Little Book of Pests
- National Nest Box Week
- Natural Pest Control
- Nemaslug Slug Killer
- October Gardening & Landscaping Trends: 10 Top Ideas for Your Garden
- Organic Insecticides
- Pest Control - Nematodes
- Pest Control starting early...
- Pond Protection Cover
- Potatoes and Slugs
- Root Aphid Control
- Slug and Snail Control
- Slug Control
- Slug Control Measures
- Slugs - the biggest pest of all!
- Spring into Action - March 2012
- Start Composting This August: A Guide to Greener Gardening
- The Most Common Garden Pests
- The Ultimate Guide to Garden Fleece: How and Why to Use It
- Time to fight back!
- Top 10 Grow Your Own Pests
- Trumpet Supports - for Peonies and so much more...
- Using natural pest control in the garden
- Walk In Steel Poultry Cages FAQS
- What are the Caterpillars in my Garden
- Why it's a good idea to provide Plant Supports for Perennials
- Wireworm Control
- Your September Garden Guide: Harvest, Planting, and Preparing for Autumn
Garden Design
- 5 Ways to Fill Your Decorative Planters this Autumn
- 5 Ways to Warm Up Your Garden with Autumn Colours
- A Concise Guide to Garden Design by Elementa Design
- An afternoon at the Bishop's Garden, Norwich
- Bespoke Garden Products
- Creating a Scented Garden Walkway
- Garden Arches - Choosing a style and picking your plants
- Garden Arches - Metal vs. Wooden
- Garden Pergolas
- Garden Structures
- Garden Wall Trellis Panels
- Get your garden ready to welcome visitors
- Guest Blog by Ellen Mary
- How to attach netting to a Fruit Cage
- Making a feature with a Metal Garden Arch
- Summer Patio Inspiration to Transform your Outdoor Living Space
- The Cordon Tree and Harrod Step Over Support
- The Rise of Kitchen Gardens: 5 Inspiring Locations in the UK
Generic Category
- Ben Thornton - July Allotment Advice
- Ben Thornton - June Allotment Advice
- Ben Thornton - May Allotment Advice
- Creating a raised bed cut flower garden
- HomeAway Garden - RHS Malvern
- How to Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner: 5 Veg and Herbs to Plant Now for a Festive Feast
- Hundred Years of Heritage and History
Greenhouse Growing
- Apricot tree now in flower
- Buying a Greenhouse
- Early Tomatoes
- Greenhouse Crops
- Greenhouse Equipment
- Greenhouse Grow Lights
- Greenhouse Heaters
- Greenhouse Insulation
- Greenhouse Overheating
- Greenhouse Staging
- Greenhouse Staging
- Greenhouse Staging and Benches
- Greenhouse Staging put to the Test
- Greenhouse Vents
- Growing Tomatoes
- How to insulate your Greenhouse
- Potting on Cucumbers in the Harrod HQ Greenhouse
- Propagation Bench
- Quadgrow Growing System
- Raised Beds in the Greenhouse
- Tomato Seeds
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Seedlings beginning to emerge
Grow Your Own
- We always have great success growing parsnips in a raised bed
- 10 Benefits of Growing Your Own Fruit & Vegetables in Raised Beds!
- 2023 Allotment Growing Roundup With Nicole Laird
- A busy time in the greenhouse
- A busy week tying in plants to plant supports
- A Change in the weather
- A Complete Guide to Composting
- A Concise Guide to the Planting Season
- A good harvest this week in the Kitchen Garden
- A mild start to the New Year
- A taste of Spring in the Kitchen Garden
- Allotment Plot Sizes
- An A-Z guide to raised bed gardening
- Another busy week planned in the Kitchen Garden
- Another warm week in the Kitchen Garden
- Another week of mixed weather
- As we head into Easter week the weather is still stunning here
- Assembling Raised Beds at Harrod HQ
- At last some much needed rain in the Kitchen Garden!
- August Bank Holiday is upon us
- August photo shoot preparation.
- Autumn Garden Maintenance
- Autumn is creeping into the garden
- Autumn Lawn Care
- Autumn Tidy Up in the Garden continues
- Autumnal weather has arrived
- Ban Beating Watering Solutions
- Bank Holiday Gardening!
- Beautiful warm weather
- Beepol Bee Hives
- Big Autumn Clear Up Begins
- Big Garden Birdwatch
- Blackcurrants ready for picking
- Blackcurrants, Garlic and Lettuces
- Blue skies and sunshine
- Box blight and very little rain
- Box hedge trimming in the Kitchen Garden
- British Apple Day
- Bulb Planting
- Bumblebees in the Garden
- Busy time in the Greenhouse
- Busy time of year in the Kitchen Garden
- Busy week in the Garden
- Buying a Fruit Cage
- Challenging weather forecast
- Cheer up your garden with raised vegetable beds
- Christmas at the Kitchen Garden
- Cider Apples
- Clearing up after the Storm
- Climbing Hydrangea
- Cold nights and frosty days
- Companion Planting in the Kitchen Garden
- Compost Books
- Compost in as little as 14 days with a Compost Tumbler
- Compost News
- Compost Tumblers
- Composters
- Composting Do's & Don'ts
- Composting for Schools
- Composting in Schools
- Composting in the Community
- Composting Information
- Composting Kitchen and Garden Waste
- Composting Kitchen and Garden Waste
- Constant dry conditions in the kitchen garden
- Constantly watering the kitchen garden
- Container Grown Vegetables
- Contaminated Manure
- Cooler evenings are upon us
- Courgette Disaster at Harrod HQ
- Courgettes are making a comeback - another busy week in the Harrod HQ garden
- Courgettes Plants Potting On & Sowing Tomato Seeds at Harrod HQ
- Covering the soil getting ready for Spring
- Crafty Garden Ideas - A Guide From Sainsbury's Bank
- Crop Rotation in Raised Planters
- David Austin's Top Tips on Planting Bare Root Roses
- Digging in the Kitchen Garden
- Early blooms in the Kitchen Garden
- Early seed sowing at the Kitchen Garden
- Earthing up Potatoes for final time
- Elementa Design Guest Blog
- Entering the dormant stage of the growing year
- Exotic Plants
- Farmyard Manure and Cold Weather
- Feeding and Fertilising
- Feeding Tomato Plants
- Filling our new Raised Bed in the sunshine!
- Finally some much needed rain
- Finally some rain in the kitchen garden!
- Finally we have had some heavy rain
- First frosts this week
- Forced rhubarb, an early season treat!
- Forcing Rhubarb in the Kitchen Garden
- Frosty conditions in the Kitchen Garden
- Fruit Cages in the Winter
- Fruit Picking week in the Kitchen Garden
- Fruit Press and Fruit Pressing
- Fruit Pressing and Fruit Presses
- Fruit Trees
- Garden and Plant Netting
- Garden Bark and Mulching
- Garden Composting
- Garden Maintenance
- Garden Netting and Plant Protection
- Garden Pests to look out for this week
- Garden Spring Clean
- Garden Tools
- Garden Tools
- Garden Vegetables
- Garden Watering
- Garden Watering
- Gardening in a Heatwave!
- Gardening in Raised Beds
- Gardening Jobs for August
- Garlic shooting and planting strawberry plants
- Gastronomic rewards!
- Getting to know your soil better
- GIVEAWAY! Win a Harrod Longrow Cloche!
- GIVEAWAY! Win a Harrod Modular Cloche!
- Great harvest from one of our team!
- Green Gardens Guest Blog
- Greenhouse or Polytunnel
- Greenhouse overheating and plants wilting!
- Greenhouse Tidy
- Grow Your Own Veg
- Growing Courgettes
- Growing Fruit and Vegetables on the Patio
- Growing in Raised Planters
- Growing in Vegetable Planters
- Growing more of your own food
- Growing Organic Seed Potatoes
- Growing Peas in Guttering
- Growing Potatoes
- Growing Purple Tomatoes
- Growing Vegetables
- Growing vegetables on the Patio
- Growing vertically & making the most of your outdoor space
- Growing winter vegetables
- Harrod Horticultural in the Daily Express!
- Harvest is becoming more bountiful
- Harvesting and Vegetable Storage
- Harvesting and Watering in full swing
- Harvesting first potatoes
- Harvesting in the Greenhouse
- Harvesting in the Kitchen Garden
- Harvesting our first strawberries
- Harvesting Sweet Potatoes
- Healthy plants resist pests and diseases much better
- Heatwave hits the Kitchen Garden!
- Heatwave in the Kitchen Garden
- Holiday Watering Solutions
- Holiday Watering Solutions
- Home Composting
- Home Grown Veg
- Homemade Christmas Stuffing with Homegrown Onions, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
- Hot Composting or Traditional Composting
- How to Grow Herbaceous Peonies
- How to grow peonies
- How to Grow vegetables up an Obelisk
- How to Grow Your Own Strawberries for Wimbledon
- How to Protect Your Plants with Garden Netting
- How to Store Apples
- Installing New Raised Beds
- It is starting to feel Autumnal
- It is time to plant our early potatoes
- It's starting to feel Autumnal
- Its hard to believe the weather warnings again
- January is the Perfect time for Sowing Seeds
- January Kitchen Garden Update
- Jo is leaving for pastures new
- Jobs for December
- Keeping an eye on the weather forecast
- Keeping Bugs and Pests at Bay with Lavender and Rosemary Posies from Your Garden
- Keeping tools in good condition
- Kim Wilde Composting
- Kitchen Garden
- Kitchen Garden - Planning for 2024
- Kitchen Garden Blog - Big Autumn Tidy Up!
- Kitchen Garden Blog - bubble wrap insulation in the greenhouse
- Kitchen Garden Blog - harvest is continuing in earnest
- Kitchen Garden Blog - planting garlic cloves and onions sets
- Kitchen Garden Blog - planting out winter broccoli
- Kitchen Garden Blog - planting winter crops
- Kitchen Garden Blog - preparing the garden for the holiday
- Kitchen Garden Blog - Pruning Asparagus Plants
- Kitchen Garden Blog - pruning espalier fruit trees
- Kitchen Garden Blog - pruning fruit bushes
- Kitchen Garden Blog - Retreat to the Potting Shed
- Kitchen Garden Blog - sowing spring cabbage, autumn carrots and winter salads
- Kitchen Garden Blog - successes and failures in the vegetable garden
- Kitchen Garden Blog - the Autumn Harvest continues
- Kitchen Garden Blog - the dreaded box blight
- Kitchen Garden Blog - turning on the greenhouse heater
- Kitchen Garden Netting
- Kitchen Garden Planning
- Kitchen Garden Planning for 2020
- Kitchen Garden tidy up
- Kitchen Garden to Kitchen Table!
- Leaf Mould
- Let's talk about cauliflowers
- Lots of growing in the Kitchen Garden
- Lots of rain and thundery downpours
- Lots of weeding and tidying
- Lots of weeding in the Kitchen Garden
- Main Crop Potatoes and Fruit Picking
- Making Cider with a Fruit Press
- Making space in the cold frame
- Manure
- March & April Kitchen Garden Update
- Master Composter
- Master Composter Martin!
- May & June Kitchen Garden Update
- Mid August Update from the Harrod Horticultural HQ Garden
- Mini Heatwave
- Mini heatwave!
- Much needed rain in the Kitchen Garden
- Mulching
- Mulching raised beds with strulch
- Mulching soil in the Kitchen Garden
- Mulching soil with manure and compost
- Nature goes mad and crops have grown beyond recognition
- New additions to the Greenhouse
- New Support for Blackberries
- New Year Tidy Up at the Kitchen Garden
- November Kitchen Garden Update
- October Kitchen Garden Update
- One of our team's garden - having a really successful year!
- Organic Produce
- Organic Produce
- Organic Soil Care
- Our apple and pear trees are smothered in fruits
- Our new Brassica Cage
- Our tender plants have been moved into the greenhouse
- Out in the Orchard...
- Peas, Beans and Cooking Apples
- Peat Free Seed Compost
- Photo shoot in the garden
- Photography in the Kitchen Garden
- Picking Our First Peas at Harrod Horticultural HQ
- Pickling Vinegar
- Plant Supports
- Planting a Potager Garden
- Planting Artichokes
- Planting Garlic and Onions
- Planting out Broad Beans for Autumn
- Planting out cauliflower and more sweetcorn
- Planting out Garlic
- Planting out in the Kitchen Garden
- Planting out in the Kitchen Garden
- Planting out leeks, more feeding and harvesting
- Planting out our sweet potatoes
- Plants are making up growing time
- Potato Blight
- Potato Planting at Easter
- Potting on tomatoes, peppers and aubergines
- Prepare for the Season ahead
- Pricking out seedling in the greenhouse
- Protecting against frost in the garden
- Protecting brassicas from pigeons
- Protecting crops in winter
- Protecting crops with a Harrod Cloche system
- Protecting over-wintering crops
- Protecting tender crops in the greenhouse
- Putting the new brassica cage to good use.
- Rabbits, Pigeons and Weeds - Garden Trouble Comes in Threes!
- Rain at last in the Kitchen Garden
- Rain has finally arrived
- Rain, rain and more rain
- Raised Bed Assembly Part 2
- Raised Bed Gardening
- Raised Vegetable Beds
- Raspberries and blueberries all planted
- Raspberry Protection and Support
- Record temperatures for February
- Removing the Fruit Cage Roof Netting
- Retro Steel Raised Bed
- Rhododendrons in flower
- Royal Dutch Hoe
- Runner Bean Problems
- Saving Seed
- Saving Water
- Seed Potatoes and shallot sets
- Seed Sowing at Harrod Horticultural HQ
- Seedlings are beginning to shoot
- September in the Kitchen Garden
- September is the ideal month to prune evergreen hedges
- Sneeboer - You Can Taste The History!
- Soaring temperatures and lots of watering
- Soft Fruit Growing
- Soil PH and the results
- Soil preparation and nematode pest control
- Some Tips for October
- Sowing Autumn Carrots
- Sowing season has begun
- Sowing winter cabbages, pak choi, chard, kohl rabi, spinach and broccoli
- Spring has arrived to the Kitchen Garden
- Spring seems to have arrived
- Storm Gareth passes over us
- Strange weather for the time of year
- Successional sowing in the Kitchen Garden
- Summer Harvest Continues
- Summer has made way for Autumn
- Summer must be here we are planting out the Sweet Potatoes!
- Summer Watering
- Sweet Potato Harvest
- Take your growing to the next level with a fruit cage
- Tasty Preserves
- The arrival of Spring
- The Benefits of a Walk in Steel Fruit Cage
- The benefits of growing in a raised bed
- The Big Autumn Clear Up!
- The choice is endless!
- The dry warm weather continues...
- The Garden is tidy
- The grime and algae of the winter has been washed away
- The harvest is at its peak in the Kitchen Garden
- The Kale and early sprouting broccoli are growing well
- The Kitchen Garden is thriving
- The New growing season has begun
- The season is in full swing
- The seed sowing continues
- The Sowing Season in full swing
- The Summer harvest is well on the way
- The trees are now almost bare
- The true head gardener on our plots is mother nature
- The weather has been extremely hot
- The weather is improving now in the Kitchen Garden
- Thinning out the apples and pears
- This week in the Kitchen Garden
- This week in the Kitchen Garden
- This week we are applying Nemaslug
- Tidy Compost
- Tidying in the Greenhouse and Garden
- Tidying the Garden and Autumn Planting
- Time for a greenhouse spring clean!
- Time for a spot of Pruning
- Time to dig up main crop potatoes
- Time to plant out Broad Beans
- Tomato Plants, Nemaslug and Plant Supports
- Top 10 Garden Netting Tips
- Top 10 Plant Supports
- Top 10 Reasons to Buy a Fruit Cage
- Top Ten Fun Ideas to Start Children Gardening This Summer
- Top Ten Gardening Tools
- Top Tips for August
- Tray upon tray of seedlings in the Greenhouse
- Tub Trugs
- Under attack from an unknown pest!
- Unusual growing season this year
- Update from the Harrod HQ Greenhouse
- Using wood ash in the garden
- Vegetable Damage
- Vegetable Growing
- Vegetable Growing
- Vegetable Plants are growing fast in the Kitchen Garden
- Vegetable Seeds
- Volcanic Rock Dust
- Warm and Dry then Storms and Gales
- Warming up in the Harrod Horticultural HQ Garden
- Water Butts
- Water in the Garden
- Watering, Feeding and more Watering
- Watering, watering and more watering!
- Waterwise in the Garden
- Weed Control Fabric
- Weeding, Scarifying and Pruning
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Planting out Leeks
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Amazing Romanesco Cauliflower
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - back into the garden
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - busy week feeding
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - cleaning the greenhouse
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Completing our Garden Plan
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - emptying compost bins
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - feeding and watering our crops
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - First Asparagus Harvest
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - first Harvest of Rhubarb
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Giving it some beans!
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Glue Bands and Winter Tree Wash
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - greenhouse bursting with plants
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Greenhouse crops coming to an end
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Harvest is booming
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Harvest is in full swing
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Harvesting Pears
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Harvesting Potatoes
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Harvesting Sweet Potatoes
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - keeping fed and watered
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - keeping our wild birds fed
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - more cold nights
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - mulching and forcing rhubarb
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - mulching the raised beds
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - planting garlic
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Planting our Christmas Dinner
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - planting out Broad Beans and Shallots
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - planting out leeks
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - planting out potatoes
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - planting out runner beans and French beans
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Planting out sweetcorn and cabbages
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Planting Strawberries
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - pricking out seedlings
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Pruning our trained fruit trees
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - setting up irrigation system
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Sowing Spinach and Chard
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - sowing the first seeds of 2015
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Sweet Potato Display
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - The big harvest is now well under way
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - the sowing season begins
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - war on slugs and snails
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Wasp Traps and Watering
- Weekly Kitchen Garden Blog - Winter Clean up of Pots and Tools
- Welcome change in the weather
- What a change in the weather!
- What a difference a week makes
- What can you put in a compost bin
- What to Plant in September to Keep Colour in Your Garden This Autumn
- What veggies can I grow over winter?
- When life gives you Apples
- Which obelisks are suitable for climbing roses
- Whitefly has appeared in abundance
- Why it is necessary to provide Plant Supports for Perennials
- Why Raised Beds are So Popular
- Win Award Winning Raised Beds!
- Windy week in the Kitchen Garden
- Winter Gardening Jobs
- Winter Pruning
- Winter Storms have arrived
- Winter sunshine, but getting colder...
- Winter wash for Fruit Trees
- Working as one with nature...
- Wormeries
- Wormery
- Year-Round Gardening with the Harrod Longrow Cloche
Guest Blogs
- Amy Shore - The Big Veg Patch Redesign
- An interview with Ann-Marie Powell
- Brigitte Girling - The Art of Floral Design
- Creating a 'wafty' border with Harrod Horticultural
- Discovering the Charm of Ordnance House: A Garden Q&A with Terry Winters
- In conversation with Lucy Hutchings
- Organic Growing with Anna Greenland! Q&A
- Planting out the sweet peas seedlings with Nicole Laird
- Q&A with Award Winning Clematis Specialist Raymond Evison
- Six Steps to Creating a Sustainable and Fully Home Compostable Wreath this Christmas - Brigitte Girling
- Spring is on its way! With Nicole Laird
- The benefits of using a cold frame in the winter
Home & Gift
- A Gardeners Christmas Gift Guide
- Christmas Gardening Gift Guide
- Christmas Gardening Gift Ideas
- Christmas Gifts for the Gardener
- Make a Feature of your Fireside this Winter
- Make your Christmas Gift Extra Special
- The Benefits of having a Boot Room Space in your Home
- The Benefits of having a Boot Room Space in your home
- Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Gardeners
Latest News
- Ban-Beating Watering Solutions - April 2012
- Garden Press Event - February 2012
- Let The Juice Loose - September 2012
- Net Gains - April 2012
- New 2013 Catalogue and New products
- Patio Gardening - March 2012
- Slot and Lock Success!
Let's Talk About
- Gardening for Health & Wellbeing: How Your Garden Can Help Your Mind Bloom
- Let's talk about Aubergines
- Let's talk about Beetroot
- Let's talk about Blueberries
- Let's Talk About Broad Beans
- Let's talk about Brussels sprouts
- Let's talk about Butternut Squash
- Let's talk about Carrots
- Let's Talk About Chillies
- Let's talk about Garlic
- Let's talk about leeks
- Let's talk about lettuce
- Let's talk about Parsnips
- Let's talk about peas
- Let's talk about potatoes
- Let's talk about pumpkins
- Let's talk about Radishes
- Let's talk about runner beans
- Let's talk about tomatoes
- A Very Happy Customer!
- A Year in Review - Looking back at 2024
- Adding Structure to your Garden
- Affiliate Exceptional Service Award
- Allotments
- Autumn Catalogue
- Autumn Show
- Avian Flu December 2016
- BBC Gardener's World
- BBC Gardener's World Live 2023
- Blooming Britain!
- Budding Gardeners
- Celebrating 70 Years of Harrod!
- Chelsea Flower Show
- Chips!
- Climate Change
- Composting at the Royal Norfolk Show
- Dales Festival of Food and Drink
- Design Debate Station
- Edible Garden Award
- Edible Garden Show
- Exotic Plants
- Fences Trees and Boundaries
- Garden Advice
- Garden Arches in Places & Faces Magazine
- Garden Arches Link Harrod Horticultural and Hoveton Hall
- Garden Benefits
- Garden Border Conifer Conundrum
- Garden News
- Garden of Excellence
- Garden Press Event
- Garden Press Event 2012
- Gardening Books
- Gardening for health & wellbeing
- Gardening for Schools
- Gardening Press
- Gardens Illustrated Spring Offer!
- Gifts to Surprise and Delight
- GIVEAWAY - Win a Roman Garden Arch & Cover it with Peter Beales Roses!
- GIVEAWAY! Win a Flower Seed Advent Calendar & Set of Plant Supports!
- Going for Gold
- Harrod Garden Arches
- Harrod Horticultural - Highlights of 2021
- Harrod Horticultural Focus Group 2011
- Harrod Horticultural Garden Blog Tweets
- Harrod Horticultural in the Daily Express - Again!
- Harrod Horticultural Press Day 2011
- Harrod Horticultural Press Day Feedback
- Harrod Horticultural Product Video Clips
- Harrod Horticultural Scoops National Award for second year running
- Harrod Horticultural working with The RHS
- Harrod Horticultural's Royal Visit
- Harrod UK meets Nike
- Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA)
- Highlights of 2022
- Hope for the future
- Hoveton Hall
- Hoveton Hall - Kitchen Garden Update!
- Hoveton Halls New Kitchen Garden
- Introducing the Rebecca Udall x Harrod Horticultural Collaboration
- Jamie Oliver Goes Gardening!
- Kitchen Garden Sowing and Growing Event
- Local Garden Shows
- Local Produce
- Log Holders Featured on Houzz
- Look Book 2018
- Mother's Day Garden Gifts
- National Allotments Week
- National Trust Gardens
- New and Exclusive
- New Southwold Furniture Factory Showroom
- New Structures Brochure
- New Warehouse
- One of our team's garden - talk about taking your work home!
- Open Gardens
- Pakefield High School
- Parks and Gardens
- Plant Supports
- Press Day 2011
- Press Day Feedback
- Product Video Clips
- Rain and strong winds at the Kitchen Garden
- RHS Chelsea 2015
- RHS Chelsea 2015 - Sneaky Peak
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2010
- RHS Events
- RHS Harlow Carr
- RHS Rosemoor Gardens
- Royal Norfolk Show 2011
- School Gardens
- See Us At The Design Centre Chelsea Harbour
- Shining Structures
- Snowing at the Kitchen Garden!
- Sophie Conran Christmas Collection
- Soup Recipes
- Special Treat for Pancake Day
- Stephanie's July Top Product Picks
- Sustainable Gardening
- The Dirt Podcast - Grow Your Own Magazine
- The RHS
- Tool Talk
- Vacancy for Kitchen Gardener
- Vegetable Harvesting
- Video Clip Filming 2011
- What am I up to in the Old House Garden this Spring?
- What to do with excess apples
- Whats NEW for 2013
- Win a Finesse Garden Goal!
- Woodland, Water and Gardens
Press Releases
- Arch Rivals Look On in Despair - May 2011
- Aspiring Arches and Perfect Pergolas - February 2012
- Aspiring Arches to Traditional Tools - May 2011
- Fight the Evil Weevil - April 2011
- Get a Pest Head Start - February 2011
- March Newsletter - 2011
- Mum's The Word - January 2012
- Pest Predicament - June 2011
- Show Stopping Success - June 2011
- Simply the Pest - February 2012
- Slot and Lock - January 2012
- When The Growing Gets Tough - May 2011
Shows & Events
- First look at our Chelsea Flower Show Stand
- Gaze Burvill and Harrod Horticultural at RHS Chelsea
- Gold Winning Garden at RHS Chatsworth
- Grand Opening - RHS Hilltop - The Home of Gardening Science
- Harrod Horticultural at Chelsea Flower Show throughout the years
- Harrod Horticultural Headline Sponsor for SGD awards 2015
- Harrod Horticultural Pop-Up Shop - Zosia Olenska Anderson Q&A
- Harrod Horticultural Return to RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2022!
- Harrod Horticultural Return to RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023
- Our return to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2022
- Rebecca Udall's Guide to Dressing your Outdoor Table
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show - Our Stand Through The Years!
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2007
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2013
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2014
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016 - a fantastic week!
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016...and so it begins...
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2017
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018 - Show Highlights
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2020
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2021 - The Round-Up
- RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023
- RHS Hampton Court Edible Garden
- RHS Hampton Court Flower Show
- RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2021
- RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2023!
- RHS Wisley
- SGD Awards 2021
- SGD Awards 2022
- The RHS Chelsea Flower Show is back!
- Win a Harrod Longrow Cloche!
- Win Two Tickets to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show
- Your Perfect Garden Begins at Our First-Ever Pop-up Shop This Spring!
Shows and Events
- Bees at the Norfolk Show
- Composting at the Royal Norfolk Show
- Garden Press Event 2011
- Royal Norfolk Show 2011
Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's April Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's August Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's August Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's December Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's February Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's February Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's January Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's January Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's June Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's March Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's May Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's May Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's November Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's October Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's October Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's September Top Product Picks
- Stephanie's September Top Product Picks
Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary
- A bit of sanctuary in the garden
- A challenging month in the Kitchen Garden
- A Change in the weather
- A dry month in the Kitchen Garden
- A hot, dry and windy August
- A month of four seasons
- A month of unpredictable weather
- A very warm and dry May
- An unusually mild January
- Another month of mixed weather
- April has flown by in a blur of activity.
- April is a busy month in the greenhouse
- August another hot hot month
- August has been a month of wall to wall sunshine.
- December has seen the garden emerge from the debris of autumn to the bare beauty of winter.
- Despite the short daylight hours, we have had some beautiful bright days during December.
- Early season seed sowing and propagation
- Feels like we have skipped Spring and gone to Summer
- Greenhouse is showing early signs of spring
- Harvesting Leeks, Celeriac, Parsnips and Leeks
- It feels as though it has been raining forever and the cold north east winds are making it umcomfortably cold.
- It feels as though it has been winter forever.
- It never ceases to amaze me just how much and how quickly the kitchen garden changes at this time of year.
- January has brought with it icy arctic weather.
- Jobs to do before the cold weather really arrives
- July in Stephanie's Kitchen Garden is when the main harvest begins.
- June has lived up to its 'flaming' reputation this year.
- June is certainly living up to its flaming reputation!
- Kitchen Garden Planting Plan
- Kitchen Garden Special Update - August 2006
- Lots of sowing and planting out in the garden
- Lots of sunshine & lots of watering
- March 2018 will certainly be a month in the garden that we will not forget in a hurry.
- May has been busy, busy, busy.
- May has certainly been a challenging month for the Kitchen Gardener this year.
- May, for me, is when the garden is at its most beautiful
- Mother Nature is stretching our gardening skills!
- November saw the first winter storm hit the garden.
- October has been a busy month as we prepare for the winter ahead.
- One of the driest Aprils I can remember.
- Out with the old, in with the new!
- Planting out sweet potatoes around an obelisk
- Preparations for winter have been continuing.
- Preparing for the coming season
- September has been unseasonably warm.
- September transformed the garden from the lush green opulence of summer to the soft golden decay of autumn.
- Snow arrives in the Kitchen Garden
- Spring has arrived!
- Spring still feels as far away as ever.
- Stephanie's Kitchen Diary - April 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden - Early March 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden - Late February 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - April 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - April 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - April 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - April 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - April 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August/September 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August/September 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - December 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - December 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Early July 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Early June 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Early May 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - End July 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - February 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - January 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - July 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - July 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - July 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - June 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - June 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - June 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - June 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - June/July 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Late February 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Late June 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Late March 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - Late May 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - March 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - May 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - May 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - May 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - May 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - November 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - November 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - November 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - November 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - November/December 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - October 2005
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - October 2007
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - October 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - October 2010
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - October 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - September 2006
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - September 2008
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - September 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary April 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary April 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary August 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary August 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary December 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary December 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary December 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary December 2015
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary February 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary February 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary January 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary January 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary January 2016
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary July 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary July 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary June 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary June 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary June 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary March 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary March 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary May 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary May 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary November 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary November 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary November 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary November 2015
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary October 2012
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary October 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary October 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary October 2015
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary September 2013
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary September 2014
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary September 2015
- Stephanies Kitchen Garden Diary - Mid February 2005
- Stephanies Kitchen Garden Diary - September 2005
- Storms, strong winds and rain
- Sunshine, rain and gales
- The big summer harvest has reached a crescendo in the kitchen garden this month.
- The days are getting longer and the sun has some real warmth to it now.
- The garden has undertaken a dramatic transformation this month.
- The harvest has continued to reward all our hard work with trugs full of produce in August
- The harvest is bountiful
- Watering Cans have been busy this August
- We are still in the throes of winter.
- Winter has arrived in the Kitchen Garden
- Winter is now a distant memory and the growing season is in full swing.
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - April 2011
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - August 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - December 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - July 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - June 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - May 2009
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden Diary - September 2009
UK Design & Manufacturing
- 'How To' Greenhouse Videos
- 140 Litre ComposTumbler
- Above Ground Garden Arch Assembly
- Allotment Wooden Raised Beds
- Aluminium Fruit Cage
- Aluminium Fruit Cage Braces
- Aluminium Fruit Cage Hinge and Door Catch Assembly
- Aluminium Fruit Cages
- Anti Carrot-fly Screen
- Arch Fencing System
- Before you begin - Harrod Garden Arches
- Below Ground Garden Arch Assembly
- Bespoke Garden Planters
- Best Selling Wooden Raised Beds
- Bio Green Frosty Greenhouse Heaters
- Boot Room Range
- Boot Scraper & Jack
- Border Restraints
- Build a Balls
- Build Your Own Fruit & Vegetable Cages
- Burgon & Ball Ground Master
- Burgon & Ball Razor Hoe
- Burgon & Ball Topiary Tools
- Burgon & Ball Verti Plant
- Burgon and Ball Weed Slice
- Butterfly Netting
- Chelsea 2018 Stand '360'
- Choosing the right Plant Support
- CityJungle Urban Planter
- Contemporary Log Holders for the Home
- Covering a Fruit Cage with Netting
- Create a superb feature with a full lattice garden arch
- Drinks Bottle watering spikes
- Estate Fencing and gate for dividing gardens and making a feature of driveways and entrances
- Fitting a Zip Net Access Strip to a Fruit Cage
- Frame Saver Vegetable Cage
- Fruit Crusher and Fruit Presses
- Garden Arch Assembly
- Garden Arches endorsed by the RHS
- Garden Pergolas endorsed by the RHS
- Garden Trellis
- Geopod Propagator
- Gold Leaf Dry Touch Gloves
- Gold Leaf Soft Touch Gloves
- Gold Leaf Tough Touch Gloves
- Gold Leaf Winter Touch Gloves
- Greenhouse Staging Construction Tips
- Gripple Kit
- GroChar
- GroChar
- Grow House Trough Table and Lid
- Grow Your Own Pest Control - Application
- Growhouse
- Growing Runner Beans is Easy with a Slot and Lock Bean Column
- Gutter Mate Rainwater Filter & Diverter
- Half Growhouse
- Harrod Easy Claw Net Pegs
- Harrod Horticultural Bespoke Garden Product Design Examples
- Harrod Horticultural Kitchen Garden Drone Video
- Harrod Horticultural Made to Measure Service
- Harrod Horticultural Trade Department
- Harrod Laser Screen Panels
- Harrod Longrow Cloche
- Harrod Slot & Lock Aluminium Portacage
- Harrod Slot & Lock Connectors
- Harrod Slot & Lock Garden Cloche
- Harrod Slot & Lock Storm Proof Vegetable Cage
- Harrod Slot & Lock Walk-in Storm Proof Fruit & Vegetable Cage
- Harrod Slot & Slide Compost Bins
- Harrod Slot and Lock Economy Fruit Cage
- Harrod Slot and Lock Squash and Cucumber Frame
- Harrod Superior Greenhouse
- Harrod Vintage Wire Obelisks
- Harvesting and Asparagus Knife
- Heavy Duty Anti-Bird Netting
- Heavy Duty Butterfly Netting
- Heavy Duty Steel Fruit Cage
- Herb Planter and Willow surround
- High Top Hoops
- HipTrug
- Hoop & Mesh PVC Cover Kit
- Hoops and Mesh Covers Kit
- Hotbin Composter
- How does the Hotbin work
- How to increase the growing height of garden hoops with hoop extension Kits
- How to make a study cloche or growing tunnel with hoop linking rods
- How to protect fruit and vegetables from pests using Nemasys Grow Your Own
- Insect Mesh Netting
- Link Stakes - Plant Supports
- Link-A-Bord Kit with Insect Mesh
- Link-A-Bord Raised Beds
- Longrow Super Cloche
- Mesh Vented PVC Cover
- Metal Raised Beds
- Metal Raised Beds Assembly
- Metal Raised Beds by Harrod Horticultural
- Mini Greenhouse Cloche Tunnels
- Mini Manger Trough Planter
- Monty Don using Jakoti Handshears
- Nemaslug Slug Control
- Nemaslug Slug Control - Spray Application
- Nemasys Vine Weevil Killer - Introduction
- Net Access Strip
- Netting Guide
- Nutrigrow Plant Feed
- Peak Roof Steel Fruit Cages
- Plant Halos
- Popadome Crop Protection Covers
- Portable Storm Proof Vegetable Cage
- Raised Bed Liner
- Raised Bed Pond Kit
- Raised Bed Tables
- Remin Volcanic Rock Dust
- Rinsekit Portable Watering System
- Rolawn Soil
- Roman Garden Arch Lichen Green
- Self Watering Propagator
- Slot & Lock Frame Saver Cage in High Wind
- Slug Copper Rings
- Sneeboer 10 Tines Rake
- Sneeboer 2 Pronged Weeder
- Sneeboer 3 tined hand fork
- Sneeboer Bulb Planter
- Sneeboer Digging Fork
- Sneeboer Digging Fork
- Sneeboer Great Dixter Planting Spade
- Sneeboer Ground Elder Fork
- Sneeboer Ladies Fork
- Sneeboer Ladies Spade
- Sneeboer Large Spade
- Sneeboer Leaf Rake
- Sneeboer Perennial Spade
- Sneeboer Range of Spades
- Sneeboer Royal Dutch Hand Hoe
- Sneeboer Royal Dutch Hoe
- Sneeboer Rulemaker
- Sneeboer Short Fat Transplanting Trowel
- Sneeboer Tools - How They Are Made
- Sneeboer Tools for the New Gardener
- Sneeboer Wrotter
- Snow at the Kitchen Garden
- Soaker Hoses
- Southwold Furniture Collection
- Southwold Furniture Collection Care Guide
- Standard Wooden Raised Beds
- Steel Fruit Cage Door Hinge and Door Catch Assembly
- Steel Fruit Cage Roof Assembly Tips
- Steel Round Garden Obelisks
- Step Over Support
- Stephanie's Kitchen Garden
- Strawberry Raised Growing Table
- Superior Lattice Roman Garden Arch
- The Original Root Assasin Root Shovel
- Thermometer & Hygrometer Max / Min
- Thinning out Spinach
- Tips on using a Harrod Horticultural Hole Former
- Top 10 Plant Supports
- Top 10 Stylish & Practical Plant Supports
- Tumbleweed Composter
- Vegepod Garden Bed
- Vegetable Garden Gift Vouchers
- Vegetable Plug Plants
- Vitopod Propagator
- Water Butt Rain Trap
- Welly Boot Station
- Why Choose Nemasys Nematodes
- Wooden Raised Beds
- Zinc Planters